By Elly Swartz
I recently had the opportunity to meet Elly Swartz, in person, at LITapalooza in Chicago, hosted by Anderson Bookshops. She gave me a copy of her forthcoming book Hidden Truths, publishing October, 31, 2023. If you’ve not yet read any Elly Swartz books, you will want to start. And, if you have been an Elly Swartz fan, you will definitely want to pre-order this one.
First of all, Elly Swartz is one of the most delightful and KIND authors I’ve ever met. Even before COVID, Elly was willing to connect with our students via Twitter and virtually. She has been a dearly loved author of the Advanced Reading Group #BookPosse. She radiates a concern for the human spirit. And likewise, her books tackle real issues – including mental health, advocacy, and how we connect and relate to each other.
Hidden Truths is for everyone – grades 4 and up! Even adults! Eric and Dani are best friends, but unlikely friends in some respects. Their interests are different. Dani, an avid baseball player, has just learned she made the boys’ baseball team. Eric is terribly absentminded, goofy, and loves superheroes. When the two friends go on their annual camping trip with Eric’s dad, an accident occurs that will seriously alter the course of their friendship. To top it off, the event may or may not have actually been an accident. And, if so, who is to blame?
This book is just so HUMAN!
Life isn’t always a straight path forward. Sometimes, the truth zigzags back and forth. Dani and Eric’s friendship changes because of the accident. Other ‘truths’ emerge and both friends must learn to navigate a new situation and decipher what is most important and how will they fight for what they value.
Hidden Truths speaks to the complexity of relationships. We all have those people in our lives who truly know us. Yet, when we get hurt, how do we handle the pain? How do we decide the next steps? What voices do we listen to? And do we take the time to unravel the complicated stories we hear, see and experience? What is the truth?
Elly talks about Forever Friends in this story, even dealing with the death of a grandparent, and handling the grief process over time.
This story will resonate with readers who love stories about friendships, the truth, loss, and overcoming adversity. These characters come alive in ways that will speak to your heart.
Elly, you have touched my life with this one. I keep rereading it over and over and over. I’m passing it on to our next #BookPosse member and can’t wait to get my own copy on October 31, 2024. Hidden Truths is a grand slam.